Who Should Attend:
CFOs, senior accountants, accounting staff, and finance staff.
Webinar Overview:
During this session, you will learn how to:
- Navigate the basic concepts of operation statement transactions.
- Analyze the impact of financial decisions.
- Correlate the impact of changes in the electric utility industry to the operating statement.
- Employ best practices when recommending financial procedures and controls to maximize margins, revenue requirements, and cost coverage.
- Use various strategies for communicating operating statement concepts to stakeholders.
Program level: Intermediate
Prerequisite: None
Advanced preparation for this webinar is not required
Delivery method: Group Internet Based
Recommended CPE: 1.5
Recommended field of study: Specialized Knowledge - 1.5
Other continuing hours: This course qualifies for 1.5 hours of CEU. NWPPA certificates will be available online upon full completion of the webinar
Registration requirements: Please register online at www.nwppa.org, or contact registration@nwppa.org or (360) 254-0109.
Webinar Recordings:
This course is only available live; no recording will be made available.
Webinar Instructor:
Teri Wallis, Terilyn Wallis Consulting
Webinar Schedule:
The webinar will be held from 10-11:30 a.m. Pacific Time. Attendees will be admitted 15 minutes before the webinar begins.
Related Webinars:
CFO & Senior Accountant Webinar Series: All 12 Webinars, Jan 11-Dec. 5, 2024 (includes discount)
How to Participate:
Instructions will be emailed to attendees 24 hours before the webinar and we recommend that you test the link to the meeting as soon as you get the instructions. The webinar is best viewed using Google Chrome as your browser. We recommend that you use a landline for both your phone and your internet connections.
Webinar Fees:
Utility Member Rate: $120
Associate Member Rate: $180
Non-Member Rate: $240
Note: Organizations that register a group of employees will receive every fifth registration for free. For example, if you register five employees, you only pay for four; register 10 employees, you only pay for eight; and so on. There is nothing additional you need to do to receive this discount.
(Please visit CFO & Senior Accountant Webinar Series: All 12 Webinars to register for the complete series and receive classes at the discounted rate.)
Cancellation Policies:
For webinars, virtual classes, and section meetings: cancellation at least five days prior to the event, full refund; within 1-4 days or no show, 100% of the registration fee.
For in-person events: cancellation at least 30 days prior to the event, full refund; within 15-29 days, $100 fee; and within 1-14 days or no show, 100% of the registration fee.
When possible, please send a substitute instead of canceling; NWPPA does not charge a fee for substitutions. To request a refund, please contact registration@nwppa.org or (360) 254-0109.
The Northwest Public Power Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.