Event Profile

Accounting & Finance Fundamentals for Utility Personnel

May 25 — 26, 2016
Hilton Vancouver Washington


The pre-registration is currently closed. If you would like to attend this event, please come to the NWPPA registration desk at the hotel, and our onsite coordinator will be happy to help you.

Who Will Benefit:

Administrative professionals and anyone who wants to understand how each role in the utility impacts the budget and financial statement. 

Course Overview:

This one-and-a-half day course has been designed by Kim Mikkelsen for all employees of utilities, and is based on the premise that "every employee and every task performed at the utility has an impact on the ultimate bill sent to a member/customer."

Mikkelsen will describe how the impact of your job can be measured and evaluated. Practical examples will be provided for improving favorable outcomes and minimizing those that are not as favorable. Employees will learn skills that help their system achieve financial security and long-term benefits for members. Utility systems' financial cornerstones will be revealed in terms that all employees can understand. The class will conclude with a discussion of employees' participation in the financial health of the utility; budgeting, cash flow, and the importance of tracking expenses will be highlighted. 

Course Topics:

  • Analysis of the financial report. What lines on the financials are impacted by your job and productivity? Where does the money to support your activities come from? Review of the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Operations.
  • Accounts turnover ratio, write-offs, and over-90-day accounts.
  • Inventory turnover ratio, inventory as a percentage of total plant, and acceptable inventory variances.
  • Construction work in progress, impact of pole replacement, depreciation, vintage accounting, idle services, overtime ratio, contributions in aid of construction (CIAC), and continuing property records.  
  • Equity changes, capital credits, TIER, DSC, general funds, cash management and capitalization ratio, and cost-of-service studies.
  • Marketing and communications.

What to Bring to Class:

  • 2014 year-end financial report
  • A calculator

Course Schedule:

Registration will begin at 8 a.m.; the class will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on day one, and from 8:30 a.m. until noon on day two. Lunch will be served on day one; refreshment breaks will be provided on both days.

Course Fees:

Member Early Bird Deadline 4/25/2016--$790.00
Member Standard--$840.00

Associate Member Early Bird Deadline 4/25/2016--$1,185.00
Associate Member Standard--$1,235.00

Nonmember Early Bird Deadline 4/25/2016--$2,370.00
Nonmember Standard--$2,420.00

Course Location & Hotel Information:

Hilton Hotel
301 W 6th Street
Vancouver, WA  98660
(360) 993-4500

Room Rate: $189/night
Please book your room as soon as possible, but no later than April 24, 2016, to secure this rate. Mention that you are with the Northwest Public Power Association when booking your reservation.
The hotel is on the southwest corner of 6th and Columbia. Overnight guests of the hotel have access to the garage located beneath the hotel after registration. Please register in the hotel lobby to retrieve a key for the parking garage. Event and meeting parking for non-overnight guests is available at the "Park and Go" lot located at the northeast corner of 6th and Columbia.

For More Information:

To find out more about this event, or to learn about other events, view the Training and Event Catalog.